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Seriously, towards a world of love

-- Participation Guidelines --

■ Purpose of this initiative

●This initiative will start in 2023 with the themes of “an event based on love,” “an event for everyone, not just someone,” and “everyone is ok!” ​

●Continuously disseminate information to spread the word that October 10th every year is the “Day of Prayers of Love” all over the world. ​


●And this time, we will seriously go to the “Earth of Love”!

*The difference between "wish" and "prayer" is that "wish" focuses on what is "not" and draws energy inward, whereas "prayer" focuses on what "is" and draws energy inward. By simply being grateful, your energy spreads outward. While July 7th is the day for making wishes during Tanabata, October 10th is the day for making prayers, and we would like to establish this as a new culture. ​


*Following the mechanism of the universe that ``consciousness creates reality,'' we would like to make this day a day where as many people as possible become aware of ``love'' and imagine a ``world based on love.'' I am.


*Consciousness is thought to produce more energy when the combined consciousness of many people than from one person. By uniting our consciousness on the same day all over the world, we hope to create a resonance of consciousness and send out the vibrations of love more strongly on the earth and cosmic level, which will lead to positive change. ​


*Our goal is not to ``get rid of them,'' but rather to create a social change in which wars and money will naturally disappear before you know it.

■ Date and time: Thursday, October 10, 2024

*Please feel free to participate in the prayer meeting at any time of the day that suits you, in any time that is convenient for you, and in your own style. ​


*If you have difficulty praying by yourself or would like to pray together with others, the secretariat will be holding a "Prayer of Love" on Youtube Live from 10:10, so please join us there. please.

■ Venue: Free

*Please join us for the prayer meeting from anywhere in the country or the world. ​


*On that day, various prayer events are being held all over Japan, around the world, and online. Please join us at one of these events.

*However, if possible, I would appreciate it if you would have the courage to host your own event and pray together with the people you care about, as well as as many people as possible. The secretariat will do our best to support you in announcing your event and collaborating with other event organizers. In addition, instead of recruiting the general public, you can invite just your friends, or you can participate by yourself from your home.

*In addition, if you are not used to praying together or find it difficult, the secretariat will be live-streaming "Prayer of Love" from 10:10 on the day of the event on Youtube Live below, so please take advantage of it.


of the day Click here for YouTube Live

■ How to participate

Please pray together with the people you like, wherever you like, at the time you like, in your own style. Any shape is fine. Please participate in whatever way you feel comfortable.


Example: Become an organizer by yourself or with friends, rent a venue somewhere, hold an event with a large number of friends, and pray together during the event. ​


Example: Participate in an event hosted by someone and pray together. ​


Example: Pray together with some family and friends at home.


Example: Praying alone at home or work


*Things you should be aware of On that day, instead of focusing on what you don't have, focus on what you do have and simply be grateful for it.


*What I would like you to try I would be happy if you could try the following three points as much as possible. The ideal image for that day is for all social media to be filled with posts of prayers from people all over the country and around the world.


① Sponsoring or cooperating with a love prayer event

If you agree with the purpose of "Ainori Day," please host a prayer event as part of the Ainori Day event. There are a wide variety of events and opportunities for self-expression, such as movie screenings, singing and dancing concerts, dinner parties, and tea parties. If you are hosting an event, please let us know the information about your event using the QR code below. The secretariat will actively help with publicity and collaboration with other event organizers.






②Live distribution

Any video SNS is fine, such as Facebook Live, Youtube Live, Instagram Live, etc. Please send a video of the scene of you praying together on that day.

③SNS post

Even on any one SNS such as Facebook, X, Instagram, etc. Multiple SNS is fine. Please post before or after the prayer meeting on the day. ​


*When broadcasting live or posting on SNS, we would appreciate it if you could use one or all of the hashtags below. ​


#Prayer of love 2024




*We have prepared an open chat for those who support this initiative. ``Official'' is for messages from the secretariat (in principle, you can only watch), and ``Place for Exchange'' is a place where everyone can freely post information. ​ Anyone can freely send out information at any time in the "place for exchange" without anyone's permission. Self-introduction, self-promotion, event announcements, etc. ​


There's only one rule! ​


"Think and act based on love."



[A place for interaction]
Open Chat

Open Chat

[For event organizers]
Event information notification form

(Reference) Template for “Prayer of Love”

*Basically, you can do it in any way you like, such as praying for world peace. However, unlike making a wish, it is important to focus on what is present instead of focusing on what is not there. ​


If you are not sure about the commitment or specific method, please refer to the following three prayer combinations recommended by the secretariat.

❶Prayer of gratitude

*We offer a prayer of gratitude to all things using a method called “Rokupohai.”

①Thank you to your parents, grandparents, and ancestors

②Thank you to your close family, relatives, and relatives

③Thank you to the teachers and mentors who helped you

④Thank your friends, colleagues, and colleagues

⑤Thank you for the earth, nature, and earth

⑥Thank you for the existence of the universe and the original heaven


❷Pair your own “inori”

*The original meaning of ``Inori'' is ``I (= intention/consciousness)'' and ``Nori (pronouncement).'' Therefore, ``declare'' your ``purpose, goal, dream, and ambition'' for your life.



Close your eyes for about 3 minutes and relax. ​


While feeling the presence of all those who gave thanks in ①... Feeling all the "past" connected to the "now"...


Feeling all the "futures" connected to the "now"...


While imagining an ideal future in which your "purpose, goals, dreams, and ambitions" declared in step 2 have been achieved...

■Rules for this initiative

There are no detailed rules for Ainori Day. There is only one! ​


Grand rule: Think and act based on “love” ​


That's all (^^) “Love” is a very abstract concept, and I think each person has a different way of understanding it. However, it is better to have a variety. Any interpretation is fine. Each person thinks based on "love", What should I do? What should it be? Take action based on that. I think this is the most important thing.


This process is also important. There is no answer.


No one knows.


Please feel free to think and act according to these grand rules (^^)

■ Finally...

Through this initiative called "Ainori Day," if you'd like, why not try something new for this day? ​


for example··· ​


You can watch your favorite movie alone in your room,


You can go to the places you've always wanted to go,


You can have a tea party or dinner party with some close friends at your home.


You can gather a large number of people and hold an event,


I think it's good to have a festival with a large number of people.


Also, it's okay to support someone else's decision,


For example, cleaning the area around your home or saying hello with a smile.


It doesn't matter if it's something you can do alone.

The important thing is


What you want to do from the bottom of your heart, what excites you.


Things I've always wanted to do but held back, things I couldn't do because I didn't have the opportunity.


I want you to try something like that.

Also, since this is a great opportunity, if you still have something you want to do,


If you are unsure of your role, please consider the following questions.


・It's the most exciting thing for me! What to do?


・What can I do?


・What can only you do?


・What can only you do?


・What is my role?


・What are you living for?


・Why were you born into this world?

If you have already taken action, I think this is a good time to face the following questions and sort them out.


・Why are you doing what you are doing now?


・Who are you doing your current activities for?


・What are you trying to achieve beyond your current activities?


Since we were born into this world,


Please take this opportunity to


The feeling of being alive now,


I want you to have a day where you can experience the joy of being alive.


First of all, recognize and accept yourself as you are, and be grateful for your existence.


Once you can do that, you will definitely be able to accept others.


When you can accept yourself and others,


True world of "oneness" spreads beyond that.


That is truly the “Earth of Love”

“Love” is a world where everything is forgiven.


A world where everything can exist at the same time.


A world where all are equal.


Therefore, this event also


An event for everyone, not just one person.


In other words, each of you is the main character.


A world based on love is such a worldview.


While conceiving such delusions, through this initiative, I seriously...


Someday, to the earth of love.


Together with all of you.

From here on, please read only if you want to know more details.


Ground rule:

Thinking and acting based on “love”

What will happen if we base ourselves on "love" without being bound by preconceived notions?

What is the appropriate way to act?


That's all there are rules.


There is no answer. No one knows.


Because no one has ever experienced such a world.

But you should know it in your heart. So I want you to value your intuition.


Then, we all think, act, reflect, and revise if necessary.

I think this process itself is important.

Detailed explanation

Challenge 1

All people are “equal”!

・Think of it as an event for everyone, not just someone.


・Try to think that everyone is on an equal footing without being biased toward a specific “someone.”


・Thus, consider that everyone is an organizer and a participant.


・When you come to this place, you will see people who have achieved results in the past, people who have not achieved any results in the past, people who are famous and people who are not, people who are old and people who are still young. , consider that everyone is equal.


・Everything is for myself and for everyone. not for someone in particular


- Fully affirm the existence of all people!


・Try to fully demonstrate the diversity of each individual with peace of mind


・Aim to create a place where the diversity of each individual and organization can be recognized and respected as it is.


・Create a place where people of all ages and genders can express themselves in various fields, thoughts, and particularities.

Challenge 2

Integrating contradictory things!

“Love” is the existence of fully affirming and accepting everything. In the first place, good and bad are only determined by human standards.

People reflexively try to fight against things that seem contradictory and opposite to themselves. At times like these, take a step back, accept both, consider that both are correct, and think about the cycle without being biased towards one or the other. Try accepting opposites at the same time.


A time to calmly face yourself and a chaotic festival.


A heart that goes out of its way and makes a fuss, and a moderate heart that firmly protects what needs to be protected, etc.

Integration of Yin and Yang

-- Building the foundation for major change --

Purpose 1

Improving recognition and popularity of leaders in the 'Shin' era

I believe that the leaders of the 'Shin' era who have been active for many years have been disseminating information through many events and lectures.


However, there are limits to attracting customers alone.


Therefore, through this event, we aim to reach more people than we could have reached through our previous activities, and increase the visibility and popularity of the leaders of the 'Shin' era.

Purpose of “THE AINORI DAY” from a social reform perspective

Purpose 2

Strengthening human networks for the 'Shin' era

Through this event, we aim to deepen the relationships among the leaders of the Shin era who gathered together, among the participants, and vertically, horizontally, and diagonally.


Then, we will apply the knowledge of each specialized field to the community, increase the independence of each community, multiply communities that can run on their own even if completely separated from the existing social system, and loosely connect them.


This will become the foundation of a new nation in the Shin era...


*Horizontal collaboration: Horizontal connections between various fields


*Vertical collaboration: Vertical connections between generations


*Diagonal collaboration: diagonal collaboration between each field and generation


Purpose 3

Proliferation of leaders in the 'Shin' era

Increase the number of leaders who are active in preparation for the Shin era.


In particular, become a leader in an ecovillage type community that we would like to increase in the future.

We would like to increase our human resources.


This is because if we can mass-produce fully self-reliant ecovillage-type communities, they will eventually become the foundation of a new country, and as the number of people living there increases, there will come a time when the existing social system will have to change.

-- Q&A --

Q. Why October 10th?

n important Shinto ritual called ``Tototarari'' is held on October 10th (Totsuki Touka), which brings together the five festivals of Nanakusa, Peach Festival, Boy's Festival, Tanabata, and Chrysanthemum into one. It is said to be an important day, a day of integration.


It is a once-a-year important day that brings together everyone who carries out their own thoughts and activities every day.

Q. Why “100,000 people”?

Do you know the novel “Ami: Little Alien”?


The world view depicted in this

I feel that this is close to a concrete image of a "society based on love."


Another novel written by Enrique Barrios, the author of this book.

On page 252 of ``Magical Eyes'' it is written as follows.

(The following is an excerpt/edited version)


"If all humans, or what we might call the ``decisive majority,'' simultaneously send their light to positive thinking, we humans can begin a ``great leap'' of energy.


And the painful prehistoric era that has continued for so long will come to an end. ”


*Reference: Original >> Magic-colored eyes (excerpt).pdf


The phrase “at the same time sends light to positive thinking” is,

I interpreted it to mean "prayer."


So, I looked up the meaning of ``prayer'' in Yamato Kotoba. Then,


= consciousness, intention, release

Nori = words of congratulations. declaration. Preach. Norito.


That's what I found out.


In other words, the original "prayer" is

It is never about relying on others to make your wishes come true,

Declare your "intentions".


Why was I born into this world?


What am I living for?


What is my role?


What only you can do,

What only you can do,

What excites you the most,

The meaning of why you were born in this era,


Know your role

By declaring your intentions,

To erect one's own pillar.


The word "pillar" appears in the anime "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba," but that's not true.


Each person becomes a pillar, and everyone acts on the same day with the same thoughts.


And if this sentence is true,

In order to bring about dramatic change in the times,

This means that a considerable number of people are required.


I don't know if 100,000 people will be enough.

However, if that is not enough, we will use this event as an opportunity to reach 1 million people.

Next time, we will raise our goal to 10 million people.

We will continue to aim for the "great leap forward" of our time to someday occur.


In other words, this "prayer together" event of 100,000 people,


"At the same time, we will send light to positive thinking, and we, the human race, will begin a 'great leap forward.'"


This is the first attempt to achieve this.

Q. what is love?

The source of all things, the source of the universe, is a world where vast amounts of infinite energy (♾️) have become one.

I defined it as "love".


It is a world where everything is accepted and everything exists at the same time.


This means that everything exists at the same time,


All existence is fully confirmed,


everything is equal,


A world of complete oneness.


This means that everything exists at the same time,


The past, present and future exist at the same time,


All places exist at the same time,


A state where there is no concept of time and space.


This means that everything exists at the same time,


without missing anything,


A state where everything is fulfilled.

This is because the geniuses of the past


"God", "Buddha", "Charity", "Something Great", "Sky"...and "Love"


What I've been calling.


Although everyone expressed it differently, they all captured and conveyed the same thing.


That's how we interpret it.

Q. What is “social change based on love”?

If the “source” of all things is “love” itself, What kind of world would we see if we reconsidered this world based on that ``Origin''? What kind of world would expand if it became a world based on "love"? ?


If the foundation is wrong, no matter how hard you try to fix what's on top of it.


It is difficult to create a truly good society.


If so, let's restore the foundation itself to its original state!


However, "love" is a very abstract word.


Specifically, how do we act in a "world based on love"?


What kind of system is appropriate for "a world based on love"? ?


No one knows the answer yet.


That's why I want everyone to think about it individually.


By resetting the society and values ​​that have existed for thousands of years,


Start by imagining the original state without being bound by preconceptions.


Surely, after that trial and error, A world based on love = Earth of love should be waiting. And it must be, A world for everyone, full of love, gratitude, forgiveness, smiles, trust, and joy. Would you like to have the courage to take on the challenge together as we face this new future, the Shin era? ? *What we are aiming for from now on is a “world based on love.” I named it the "Shin Era."

By the way, ``Shin'' means ``new'', ``kami'', ``shin'', ``shin'', ``core'', ``parent'', ``shin''... It has various meanings such as 😊

Q. What is a “love-based event”?

As mentioned above, this event

This is an activity aimed at creating "a world based on love."


Therefore, this event itself also

We want it to be an event based on love.


Based on that, we thought.




Love is love because it accepts everything and is unified as one.


That's what it means. But like any other event...


If we separate the “organizers” and “participants”, division will occur.


If we separate “speakers” and “audiences”, division will occur.


If we divide people into “people with authority” and “people who haven’t done anything yet,” division will occur.


Dividing into “elderly” and “young” will cause division.


If we separate “healthy people” and “disabled people”, division will occur, etc.


If so,


"Organizer" and "Participant"


"Speaker" and "audience"


``People with authority'' and ``people who haven't done anything yet''


“Elderly” and “Young” too


Both “healthy people” and “disabled people”...


We are all one! Let's think about it! It became.

The result is the idea that everyone is a participant and everyone is an organizer.


So, I would be happy if each and every one of you could be involved in some way as an organizer, rather than just a participant.


However, of course, you are welcome to participate either by helping out with an event hosted by someone, or by participating in an event hosted by someone as a regular participant.


The important thing is to be comfortable and excited! shape that can be done.

Please consider participating in your own way.

Q. Why is it held “simultaneously around the world”?

Regarding the venue,

What should we do based on “events based on love”?

We all thought about this in our first year.


If you had to do it in one place, what would it be? ?


I'm sure there will be people who can gather there and people who can't...


I'm sure there are people who want to gather there and people who want to gather somewhere else...


What lies ahead? ?


Separation and division. It is the opposite of "love".


We want to create a world where everything can coexist at the same time!


Therefore, we came up with the idea of ​​``simultaneous worldwide holding''.


Each participant can participate wherever they want, with their favorite friends!


There is no distinction between what is the main and what is the satellite.


All at the main venue!


All venues are equal, and all venues are the main venue(^^)


Why not join us as one of the organizers of this event?


Q.Where does it actually take place?

Actually, the executive committee does not know all the venues.


Some people do it at home;


Some people rent out a restaurant or izakaya somewhere,


Some people rent event venues and party venues.


Also, if there are some people who will only stream online instead of a real event,


Some people do it in a hybrid format, both online and real.


Regarding the venue you have contacted the secretariat, please contact us.


Place a pin on Google Maps to make it visible at a glance.


I would appreciate it if you could also put up one of those pins.




[For event organizers]Event information notification form

Q.What kind of people are participating?

for example···


・People who feel that something is wrong or difficult to live in today's world

・People who have distrust or anxiety about the current social system, business system, and money system

・People who want to live a life filled with more compassion, gratitude, and joy

・People who want to spend their days more slowly, comfortably, and happily with more peace of mind and safety.


To put it a little more simply,


"I'm tired of the world of scarcity and competition, and I want to go to a world of contented co-creation! I want to create!"


Are there people who feel this way?


At least, without being swept away by the reality unfolding in front of you,


What is the original state? ?


Can we create a better future? ?


What can I do? ? ?


Believe in your own values ​​without any preconceptions,


There are many people who are actively taking on the challenge.


Also, even if you are not yet able to carry out major activities yourself,


If you feel anxious or dissatisfied with the current situation, something is wrong!


Some people are starting to feel that way.


A new KIZUNA is created when people with similar values ​​work together.


I believe that this connection will open up a barrier to a new Shin era.

Q.What kind of events will be held?

Are you already active in some field?


Or are you someone who is about to start something new?


Or maybe you haven't decided on anything concrete yet, but are you in a state of confusion right now?


At this event, in all fields,

People who are trying to change the world we live in gather together.

"National Assembly" "World Summit"

We would like to make this an event like this.


All fields need to transform in preparation for the new era.

All kinds of fields such as agriculture, food, medicine, education, economics, art, energy, science, philosophy, religion, spirituality, etc.


People in these specialized fields are starting to create new communities.

support community leaders,

We will continue to update each community,

This will form the template for the Shin era.


As each community develops, it becomes loosely connected,


Beyond that, society itself will naturally change.


Before I knew it, the world itself had changed dramatically.


We are aiming for a social change that can achieve such a soft landing.

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